Naresh Chettri, Joint Secretary of the SKM party’s Youth Wing, hosted the Vikshit Bharat – Young Leaders Dialogue at Bharat Mandapam, Delhi. The event, centered around the theme “Vikas Bhi, Virasat Bhi” (Development with Heritage), attracted a diverse group of youth leaders, policymakers, and experts, all eager to discuss the critical balance between national progress and cultural preservation.
Key Highlights of the Dialogue: The dialogue featured dynamic discussions and an engaging Q&A session, offering a platform for young leaders to express their views and propose solutions to some of India’s most pressing challenges. Naresh Chettri, a noted national speaker, facilitated the discussions, providing valuable insights into the topic.
Vision for India’s Development: Chettri emphasized that the theme “Vikas Bhi, Virasat Bhi” reflected the SKM’s commitment to ensuring economic development while remaining rooted in India’s rich heritage and traditions. He stressed the importance of finding harmony between modernity and tradition in shaping India’s future.
This event marked a significant step in engaging the youth in meaningful dialogue about India’s evolving socio-economic landscape, blending progressive growth with respect for cultural identity.